Queen Charlotte Reads!

Queen Charlotte's Library Website

It’s JUNE!


I can’t believe it’s already JUNE! Here are some important things to note before the school year ends:

1. All borrowed books are due back on Friday, June 8th.

2. Lists of overdue materials will be sent to homeroom teachers on Monday, June 11th. If the list says you haven’t returned something and you’re sure you have, come see Mrs. Giggey ASAP!

3. To keep our library running smoothly and to make sure we have all the resources we need, we do have a replacement fee for lost items. Come see Mrs. Giggey to talk more about this.

4. If you have recommendations for books we need, let Mrs. Giggey know or add them to the library wishlist (on the circulation desk). Tell us what you want to read!

5. Don’t know where to get books over the summer? Come get an application for a public library card!

6. Not sure what to read over the summer? Check out these recommended book lists made by kids, for kids!

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